fastlane 1.0

I’m excited to announce that fastlane is now version 1.0, following the Semantic Versioning. 

Multi Platform Support 

The main reason for the success of fastlane was the great support for one specific platform. I was working hard on refactoring fastlane to handle both iOS and Mac projects with more platforms to come. This doesn’t change anything for your existing projects. You can already start using fastlane for Mac OS projects.

Check out the release notes for more information.

Auto Update 

Tired of manually updating fastlane each time a new release is available? Just add update_fastlane to your Fastfile and it will automatically update itself.


You can now view the latest documentation of available actions and their parameters right in your terminal, using the  fastlane action command.

Additionally, you can use the new  fastlane docs command to generate a documentation of all your available fastlane lanes with a short description.

New Configuration System 

All 45 built-in fastlane integrations were completely refactored to use a brand new configuration system. This way fastlane knows about the available parameters, which is used to generate the documentation. Additionally, this update makes testing much easier. More information available in  release 0.12.0.

Few more things

  • New version of sigh which can maintain your local provisioning profiles as well
  • Added teams, mandatory and tags options to the hockey integration
  • Improved documentation renderer
  • Improved handling of unstable networking connections
  • Fixed handling of some characters in the add_git_tag integration
  • Updated dependencies to all other fastlane tools
  • As always, just update usingsudo gem update fastlane.

I hope you like this release, as always you can send me feedback on Twitter @KrauseFx or via GitHub issues.

I spoke at NSConf about fastlane and Continuous Delivery:

Watch the talk here

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