
I developed a german speaking Chatbot webapp for the iPhone. It learns when you chat with it and saves your answers. It didn’t use any graphic files, only CSS3 properties

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Toursprung intern

In the summer 2010 I developed a web app optimized for iPhone and Android phones to access all routes that are available at

After I finished this site, I started implementing a native app with Appcelerator Titanium.

The webapp even supported tracking and uploading new routes to Bikemap right from inside the browser.

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Robocup 2010

In 2010 our school robotic team qualified for the world competition in Singapore. We took part in the Robocup Junior Soccer league.

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In 2009 I wrote some scripts that automatically download all results of golf competitions in Austria and saved it in a database.

After that was finished I developed many stats and analysed the data to calculate where to play to get a better handicap in a specific region.

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